To William Thierry Preyer 31 March 1868
[4 Chester Place]
March 31, 1868.1
I am delighted to hear that you uphold the doctrine of the Modification of Species, and defend my views. The support which I receive from Germany is my chief ground for hoping that our views will ultimately prevail. To the present day I am continually abused or treated with contempt by writers of my own country; but the younger naturalists are almost all on my side, and sooner or later the public must follow those who make the subject their special study. The abuse and contempt of ignorant writers hurts me very little …
Preyer, William Thierry. 1896. Darwin. Sein leben und wirken. Berlin: E. Hofmann.
Glad to hear that WP defends species transmutation. German support is the chief reason to hope that their views will prevail.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-6075
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- William Thierry (William) Preyer
- Sent from
- London, Chester Place, 4
- Source of text
- LL 3: 88
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6075,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 16