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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Samuel Smiles    16 December 1876

Down, Beckenham, Kent

December 16, 1876.

I wrote to you yesterday addressed to the care of Mr. Murray, to thank you for your present and I write now merely to say that I shall have great pleasure in signing the proposed memorial.1

Ch. Darwin


In his letter of 15 December 1876, CD had thanked Smiles for Smiles’s biography of Thomas Edward (Smiles 1876). John Murray was Smiles’s publisher. Smiles had started a memorial to have a civil-list pension awarded to Edward. CD signed, as did Joseph Dalton Hooker, George Allman, and Richard Owen. Edward was awarded £50 a year for life (A. Secord 2003, pp. 161–2).


Secord, Anne. 2003. ‘Be what you would seem to be’: Samuel Smiles, Thomas Edward, and the making of a working-class scientific hero. Science in Context 16: 147–73.

Smiles, Samuel. 1876. Life of a Scotch naturalist: Thomas Edward, associate of the Linnean Society. London: John Murray.


Has written via John Murray to thank for SS’s biography of Thomas Edward (Smiles 1876).

Is happy to sign a memorial concerning a Civil List pension for Thomas Edward.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Samuel Smiles
Sent from
Source of text
Kenneth W. Rendell (dealer) (no date)

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10720F,” accessed on 26 September 2022,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24
