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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Ebenezer Norman   18 May 1876

24 Ashmead Road | St. John’s | New Cross. S.E.

May 18. 1876.

Dear Sir

I send by this Post, registered, another parcel of your M.SS., up to & including page 300, with copy.1

I beg to draw your attention to

Tables 44. (p 206 yours, 250 mine)

and 74 (300 " 361 ") in which there appear to be errors in adding up the heights of the self-fertilised plants.2

I am, | Your obedient Servant | E. Norman

Chas. Darwin Esqre. F.R.S &c | Down.

P.S. | I calculate 6 of my pages = 1000 words.

In Table 12. (77 & 78 my page by yours) there is an error in the adding up of the Crossed Plants; I have consequently left the total in pencil, and also left blanks in subsequent places where numbers are quoted depending on the total.


Norman was making a copy of CD’s manuscript of Cross and self fertilisation.
Tables 44 and 74 in Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 130 and 186, show the height achieved by plants of the same type, when some were self-fertilised and others crossed; the sum of the heights was given in order to calculate average heights.


Cross and self fertilisation: The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1876.


Sends his copies of CD’s MS of Cross and self-fertilisation and calls attention to errors in addition.

Letter details

Letter no.
Ebenezer Norman
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
St Johns, Kent
Source of text
DAR 77: 156–8
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10509,” accessed on 26 September 2022,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24
