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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Friedrich Rolle1   20 November 1868

Homburg vor der Hoehe | bei Frankfurt am Main

den 20 November 1868

Geehrtester Herr!

Erlauben Sie mir, Ihnen für die gütige Zusendung von “Variiren der Thiere u. Pflanzen” (Bd I. Bd II. 1. u. 2 vollstaendig) meinen ergebensten Dank zu sagen.— Ich werde—wenn ich künftig noch literarisch thätig sein kann—den Gebrauch davon machen, den Ihre gütige Theilnahme mir zur Pflicht macht.2

Ich war bemüht Ihrem Auftrage über Hühne⁠⟨⁠r⁠⟩⁠ mit Spornen nachzukommen; leider sind die Resultate interimistisch-negativ. Es war den 31 Mai als Sie mir die Aufgabe stellten und ich zoegre jetzt nicht mehr zu antworten.3 In unserer Gegend kommen Hühner mit Spornen nur sporadisch-individuell vor; ich habe nichts naeheres erfahren können.

Ein Freund befragte den Ornithologen Robert Oettel in Goerlitz (Schlesien)4 Ich lege Ihnen eine Abschrift seiner Antwort bei.5

Ebenso lege ich einen Auszug aus C. F. Fridrich bei 1) über die Henne mit Sporn 2.) das ungeschwaenzte Huhn oder den Käuler 3.) über Fridrich’s Widerspruch gegen Gould und Ramsay betreffs der Gewohnheit des jungen Cuculus canorus—(nach den Experimenten von Fridrich.)6

Endlich lege ich einen Auszug bei aus Blumenbach, (Vergleichende Anatomie 1805) über das Hollenhuhn (oder das Haushuhn mit dem Federbusch)7

Prof. Ernst Haeckel in Jena ist jetzt in Entwicklung Ihrer Theorie sehr thaetig. Er sandte mir sein neuestes Werk “Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte” (1868 mit VIII genealogischen Tabellen.)8

Auch schrieb er eine kleine Broschüre E. Haeckel. “Ueber die Entstehung und den Stammbaum des Menschengeschlechts” (in R. Virchow u. Fr. v. Holtzendorf. Sammlung gemeinverstaendlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortraege, III Serie Heft 52 ū. 53.) 5 Bogen9

Prof. L. Rütimeyer sandte mir seine Broschüre “Die Grenzen der Thierwelt, eine Betrachtung zu Darwin’s Lehre”. (Basel 1868 5 Bogen.)— Sie enthaelt eine Widmung an Prof. K. E. von Baer.10

Dr. Weinland 11 ist nicht mehr literarisch thaetig; er betreibt Oeconomie auf seinem Gute Hohenwittlingen bei Urach, Württemberg

Herrn G. Schwartz von Mohrenstern in Wien arbeitet noch an seiner Monographie der Rissoi⁠⟨⁠den⁠⟩⁠ subgenus Alvania soll noch ersc⁠⟨⁠heinen.⁠⟩⁠12 Ich habe ihm zwei Rissoina-Ar⁠⟨⁠ten aus⁠⟩⁠ dem obren Jura gesendet, die er noc⁠⟨⁠h⁠⟩⁠ ⁠⟨⁠    ⁠⟩⁠ wird.13 Der Stammbaum der Rissoiden ⁠⟨⁠    ⁠⟩⁠ dadurch für die Jura-Periode erlä⁠⟨⁠utert⁠⟩⁠ werden.

Indem ich hoffe, dass von mein⁠⟨⁠en⁠⟩⁠ Mittheilungen eins oder das andre Sie interessirt und die Gesundheit und Musse zur Fortführung Ihrer so u⁠⟨⁠nab⁠⟩⁠sehbar wichtigen Werke verliehen bleibt, | Geehrtester Herr | in jeder Bereitwolligkeit | Ihr hochtungsvoller Diener | Dr. Friedr. Rolle


For a translation of this letter, see Correspondence vol. 16, Appendix I.
The reference is to the German translation of Variation (Carus trans. 1868). Rolle had earlier received the first volume and the first part of the second volume (see letter from Friedrich Rolle, 28 May 1868 and n. 2).
Görlitz was in the Prussian province of Silesia on the river Neiße.
The enclosure has not been found.
Rolle refers to Carl Gottlob Friderich. The enclosures have not been found. Rolle refers to John Gould and Edward Pierson Ramsay. Gould’s description of Cuculus canorus (the common cuckoo) is in J. Gould 1832–7, 3: 240. Ramsay had published an article, ‘Notes on the most frequent foster-parents of the cuckoos of Australia’ in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1866): 571–7.
The enclosure has not been found, but Rolle refers to Johann Friedrich Blumenbach and Blumenbach 1805, pp. 85, 538. Blumenbach described the frontal part of the cranium of the tufted hen as an abnormal bubble on which the tuft of feathers sat.
Haeckel 1868c.
Rolle refers to Haeckel 1868b and to the editors of the series in which it was published, Rudolf Virchow and Franz von Holtzendorff.
Ludwig Rütimeyer had also sent CD a copy of Rütimeyer 1868, inscribed by the author; it is in the Darwin Library–CUL. The work consisted of two lectures and was dedicated to Karl Ernst von Baer.
Rolle refers to Gustav Schwartz von Mohrenstern. Two instalments of his monograph on the gastropod mollusc family Rissoidae had appeared (Schwartz von Mohrenstern 1861–4). No further instalments were published. Alvania is a genus of the family Rissoidae.
Rissoina is a genus of the family Rissoidae.


Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1805. Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. Göttingen: H. Dieterich.

Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.

Gould, John. 1832–7. The birds of Europe. 5 vols. London.

Schwartz von Mohrenstern, Gustav. 1861. Über die Familie der Rissoiden und insbesondere die Gattung Rissoina. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe 19 (2): 71–188.

Variation: The variation of animals and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868.


From Friedrich Rolle1   20 November 1868

Homburg vor der Hoehe | near Frankfurt am Main

20 November 1868

Most esteemed Sir!

Allow me to convey my most humble thanks for kindly sending me the “Variation of animals and plants” (Vol. I, vol. II 1 and 2 complete).— I will—if in future I am still writing—profit from it, indebted as I am to your sympathetic interest.2

I have tried to fulfill your request regarding chickens with spurs but unfortunately the results are provisionally negative. You set me the task on 31 May and I can no longer hold off answering.3 In our area chickens with spurs occur only sporadically, in isolated cases; I have not been able to discover anything further.

A friend of mine asked the ornithologist Robert Oettel in Goerlitz (Silesia).4 I enclose a copy of his reply.5

I also enclose an excerpt from C. F. Fridrich 1) on the spurred hen, 2) the tailless chicken, or the rumpless 3) on Fridrich’s argument against Gould and Ramsay concerning the habits of the young Cuculus canorus—(according to the experiments of Fridrich.)6

Finally I enclose an excerpt from Blumenbach, (Comparative anatomy 1805) on the tufted hen (or the domestic chicken with a crest)7

Prof. Ernst Haeckel in Jena is very actively developing your theory. He sent me his most recent work “Natural history of creation” (1868 with VIII genealogical tables.)8

He also wrote a small pamphlet E. Haeckel, “On the origin and genealogy of mankind” (in R. Virchow and Fr. v. Holtzendorf, Collection of popular scientific lectures, 3rd series, issue 52 and 53.) 5 sheets9

Prof. L. Rütimeyer sent me his pamphlet “The limits of the animal world, a reflection on Darwin’s teachings”. (Basel 1868, 5 sheets)— It has a dedication to Prof. K. E. von Baer.10

Dr. Weinland11 is not writing anymore; he now manages his estate, Hohenwittlingen, near Urach in Württemberg

Mr. G. Schwartz von Mohrenstern in Vienna is still working on his monograph on Rissoidae subgenus Alvania should appear some time.12 I have sent him two Rissoina species ⁠⟨⁠from⁠⟩⁠ the upper Jurassic which he will ⁠⟨⁠    ⁠⟩⁠ some time.13 The genealogy of the Rissoidae ⁠⟨⁠    ⁠⟩⁠ for the Jurassic period will thus be elucidated.

I hope that one or other of my pieces of intelligence will prove of interest and that you will have the health and peace to continue your inestimably important works, | Most honoured Sir | ever obligingly | your devoted servant | Dr. Friedr. Rolle


For a transcription of this letter in its original German, see part II: 853–4.
The reference is to the German translation of Variation (Carus trans. 1868). Rolle had earlier received the first volume and the first part of the second volume (see letter from Friedrich Rolle, 28 May 1868 and n. 2).
Görlitz was in the Prussian province of Silesia on the river Neiße.
The enclosure has not been found.
Rolle refers to Carl Gottlob Friderich. The enclosures have not been found. Rolle refers to John Gould and Edward Pierson Ramsay. Gould’s description of Cuculus canorus (the common cuckoo) is in J. Gould 1832–7, 3: 240. Ramsay had published an article, ‘Notes on the most frequent foster-parents of the cuckoos of Australia’ in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1866): 571–7.
The enclosure has not been found, but Rolle refers to Johann Friedrich Blumenbach and Blumenbach 1805, pp. 85, 538. Blumenbach described the frontal part of the cranium of the tufted hen as an abnormal bubble on which the tuft of feathers sat.
Haeckel 1868c.
Rolle refers to Haeckel 1868b and to the editors of the series in which it was published, Rudolf Virchow and Franz von Holtzendorff.
Ludwig Rütimeyer had also sent CD a copy of Rütimeyer 1868, inscribed by the author; it is in the Darwin Library–CUL. The work consisted of two lectures and was dedicated to Karl Ernst von Baer.
Rolle refers to Gustav Schwartz von Mohrenstern. Two instalments of his monograph on the gastropod mollusc family Rissoidae had appeared (Schwartz von Mohrenstern 1861–4). No further instalments were published. Alvania is a genus of the family Rissoidae.
Rissoina is a genus of the family Rissoidae.


Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1805. Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. Göttingen: H. Dieterich.

Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.

Gould, John. 1832–7. The birds of Europe. 5 vols. London.

Schwartz von Mohrenstern, Gustav. 1861. Über die Familie der Rissoiden und insbesondere die Gattung Rissoina. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe 19 (2): 71–188.

Variation: The variation of animals and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868.


Has little information about hens with spurs. Encloses information from Robert Oettel and C. F. Friderich, and from J. F. Blumenbach’s Vergleichende Anatomie [1805]. Recommends various German publications.

Letter details

Letter no.
Friedrich Rolle
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Bad Homburg
Source of text
DAR 176: 205
Physical description
ALS 3pp (German) damaged †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6468,” accessed on 19 April 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 16
