From Francis Darwin to Ernst Krause 23 October 1879
CD thanks Krause for the errata.
CD is sorry to hear that Krause’s part will not appear in the French edition, and cannot believe that C.-F. Reinwald would be influenced by antagonism to the Germans. Reinwald always gives CD a small percentage on sales, and CD had intended to pass it on to EK.
Author: | Francis Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 23 Oct 1879 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36217) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-12268H |
From Ernst Krause to Francis Darwin 26 October 1879
Problem with Charles Reinwald could be solved if CD would ask that French edition [of Erasmus Darwin] follow English. EK willing to co-operate with Reinwald.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Francis Darwin |
Date: | 26 Oct 1879 |
Classmark: | DAR 92: B44–5 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-12271 |
From Francis Darwin to Ernst Krause [29 October 1879]
Encloses a letter from CD to C.-F. Reinwald for EK to read, and if he approves, to send on.
Author: | Francis Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | [29 Oct 1879] |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36218) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-12275F |
From Francis Darwin to Ernst Krause [after 10 February 1881]
CD thanks him for his congratulations and for details of letters, which he will keep with the Butlerian documents.
FD is happy for his lecture to be republished in Kosmos.
Author: | Francis Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | [after 10 Feb 1881] |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36219) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-13048F |
From Ernst Krause 11 March 1877
As editor of the new journal, Kosmos, thanks CD for the permission he has granted Ernst Haeckel to publish with CD’s approval.
Cites his long support for evolution as exemplified by his book [Die botanische Systematik in ihrem Verhältniss zur Morphologie (1866)].
CD has many German supporters.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 11 Mar 1877 |
Classmark: | DAR 169: 105 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10888 |
To Ernst Krause 25 March 1877
Thanks for EK’s book [Werden und Vergehen (1876)].
Regrets he cannot write for EK’s journal, but his son, Francis, may do so.
Suggests EK as editor urge on readers [of Kosmos] the investigation of the causes of variability; why, for instance, do wild Pampas cattle change colour when domesticated? Thinks experiments and observations on recently domesticated animals and cultivated plants would throw light on the subject.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 25 Mar 1877 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36172) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10912 |
To Ernst Krause 30 June 1877
CD interested in EK’s argument against belief that sense of colour has been recently acquired by man. Describes his observations of the difficulty his own children had in distinguishing, or naming, colours.
Adds that it appeared to him the gustatory sense of his children, when young, differed from that of grown-up persons.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 30 June 1877 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36173) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11023 |
From Ernst Krause 9 July 1877
Asks permission to print translation of "A biographical sketch of an infant" [Collected papers 2: 191–200] in Kosmos.
Notes divisions among German Darwinists.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 9 July 1877 |
Classmark: | DAR 169: 106 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11045 |
To Ernst Krause 11 July [1877]
EK may publish a translation [of "Sketch of an infant"] if he wishes, but CD hardly thinks it deserves the honour.
Glad to hear that Kosmos succeeds fairly well; has found several articles interesting.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 11 July [1877] |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36174) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11047 |
From Ernst Krause 14 July 1877
Thanks CD for permission to print ["Sketch of an infant"] in Kosmos.
Discusses children’s ability to distinguish colours.
Describes disagreements among German supporters of CD. Discusses reaction of German protestants to Darwinism.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 14 July 1877 |
Classmark: | DAR 169: 107 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11054 |
From Ernst Krause 10 February 1879
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 10 Feb 1879 |
Classmark: | DAR 92: B14 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11868 |
To Ernst Krause 12 February 1879
Thanks for honour of latest number of Kosmos.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 12 Feb 1879 |
Classmark: | University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library (John Robert Crouse autograph collection) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11871 |
To Ernst Krause 9 March 1879
CD and his brother Erasmus have read EK’s article on Erasmus Darwin. Asks whether EK would object to a translation by W. Dallas, to be offered to Fortnightly Review or to be published at CD’s expense as a book.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 9 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36175) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11920 |
From Ernst Krause 12 March 1879
Glad CD is pleased by his "Erasmus Darwin". Was not able to obtain book by Anna Seward [Memoirs of the life of Dr Darwin (1804)]. Could CD check relevant passages for errors? Would be great honour if CD could arrange English translation. Wants to enlarge essay into book.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 12 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | DAR 92: B15–16 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11925 |
To Ernst Krause 14 March 1879
Pleased to hear that EK agrees to CD’s request to have article on Erasmus Darwin translated. Will wait for EK’s enlargement. Has decided submission to Fortnightly Review would be useless.
Warns against Anna Seward’s biography of Dr Darwin.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 14 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36176) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11932 |
From Ernst Krause 17 March 1879
Had doubts about excerpt from Anna Seward’s book [Life of Dr Darwin]. Sends slightly enlarged version of his "Erasmus Darwin". Includes footnote denouncing Seward’s book.
Finds that part 2 of ED’s Botanic garden, 2d ed. (1790), appeared before part 1 (1791).
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 17 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | DAR 92: B17–18 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11942 |
To Ernst Krause 19 March 1879
Sends copy of a lecture [by John Dowson, see 11949] published in 1861.
Has not yet found a copy of Anna Seward’s biography for EK. It is a wretched, inaccurate book. To contradict Anna Seward’s version, CD intends to write a short preface to the translation of EK’s essay. Doubts that it will be worth translating into German.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 19 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36177) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11944 |
From Ernst Krause 24 March 1879
Thanks for sketch of Erasmus Darwin by John Dowson [see Erasmus Darwin, p. iv]; would like to incorporate this information into MS. Previous biographers of Erasmus Darwin had insufficient knowledge of what appeared in his works.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 24 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | DAR 92: B19–20 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11949 |
To Ernst Krause 27 March 1879
CD has written to members of the family for Dr Erasmus Darwin materials and letters. Is apprehensive lest his preface and EK’s essay interfere with one another. Will confine himself to ED’s character and letters;
has begun investigating the influence he had on medical practice.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Date: | 27 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | The Huntington Library (HM 36178) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11958 |
From Ernst Krause 30 March 1879
Wants to finish revision of MS on Erasmus Darwin before Dallas begins translation. Has discussed possible German edition with Carl Alberts.
Author: | Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 30 Mar 1879 |
Classmark: | DAR 92: B21 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-11961 |
letter | (94) |
Darwin, C. R. | (47) |
Krause, Ernst | (44) |
Darwin, Francis | (3) |
Krause, Ernst | (50) |
Darwin, C. R. | (43) |
Darwin, Francis | (1) |
Krause, Ernst | (94) |
Darwin, C. R. | (90) |
Darwin, Francis | (4) |