To J. V. Carus 17 June [1875]
Sends clean sheets of Insectivorous plants. JVC will now be able to judge whether it is worth translating. The book has wearied him and cost much labour.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 17 June [1875] |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 143–144) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10021 |
From J. V. Carus 28 June 1875
Thinks Insectivorous plants must be translated and published in Germany.
Journal of researches nearly finished.
A new [German] edition of Origin is wanted.
Author: | Julius Victor Carus |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 28 June 1875 |
Classmark: | DAR 161: 101 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10033 |
To J. V. Carus 1 July [1875]
Insectivorous plants to be published in two or three days.
Climbing plants and 2d ed. of Variation will be published early in November.
Has no strength for corrections for the new printing of Origin, though many are desired.
Pleased that JVC will translate Insectivorous plants.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 1 July [1875] |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 145–146) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10038 |
To J. V. Carus 19 August 1875
Sends errata in Insectivorous plants.
Is correcting proofs of [2d ed. of] Climbing plants, to be published in November. It is, he thinks, worth translating.
A second, much corrected, edition of Variation also will be published.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 19 Aug 1875 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 133–134) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10126 |
To J. V. Carus 14 October [1875]
Sends sheets of Climbing plants [2d ed.], which will be published in November. Suggests JVC have someone translate it under his supervision,
since he has not yet finished Insectivorous plants.
Admires the appearance of [German ed. of] Journal of researches.
Discusses other publication prospects.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 14 Oct [1875] |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 135–136) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10198 |
From J. V. Carus 20 November 1875
Queries concerned with his translation of Insectivorous plants, which has been delayed by illness but is now two-thirds done.
Author: | Julius Victor Carus |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 20 Nov 1875 |
Classmark: | DAR 161: 102 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10266 |
To J. V. Carus 22 November [1875]
Thanks JVC for corrections in Insectivorous plants. Explains confusion of fluid and dry measures. The work has sold well in England.
Repeats suggestion that JVC employ someone to translate Climbing plants under his supervision.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 22 Nov [1875] |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 127–128) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10269 |
To J. V. Carus 21 December [1875]
Encloses a correction [for Climbing plants, 2d ed.]. Asa Gray made a mistake in name of species of Passiflora.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 21 Dec [1875] |
Classmark: | Kotte Autographs (dealers) (2012) (letter); Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 70) (copy of letter and original of enclosure) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10313 |
From J. V. Carus 21 December 1875
Sends list of misprints in first edition of Insectivorous plants for the German collected works.
Author: | Julius Victor Carus |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 21 Dec 1875 |
Classmark: | DAR 86: B6–7 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10315 |
To J. V. Carus 25 December 1875
Thanks for errata in Insectivorous plants.
Sends spare copies of his papers, but thinks several are not worth publishing.
Has only one copy, which he will lend JVC, of the best one, on "Erratic boulders of South America" [Collected papers 1: 145–63].
Has not sent "Parallel roads of Glen Roy" [Collected papers 1: 87–137], as he is sure he was wrong.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 25 Dec 1875 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 137–138) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10323 |
From J. V. Carus 19 March 1876
Insectivorous plants is out
and Climbing plants is at the printer’s.
He is now at work on the geological writings.
Thinks all of CD’s papers extremely interesting "for the spirit and the method".
Cites some misprints in Climbing plants.
Author: | Julius Victor Carus |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 19 Mar 1876 |
Classmark: | DAR 161: 103 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10419 |
To J. V. Carus 21 March 1876
Glad to hear that [German edition of] Insectivorous plants is published.
Thanks for errata in Climbing plants [2d ed.].
Sends list [missing] of his papers, with those certainly not worth translating marked with a red line.
Reports on work in progress.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 21 Mar 1876 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 139–140) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10422 |
From J. V. Carus 21 March 1876
A difficulty with a passage in Coral reefs about "vertical thickness", which JVC thinks should read "horizontal extent".
Author: | Julius Victor Carus |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 21 Mar 1876 |
Classmark: | DAR 161: 104 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10423 |
To J. V. Carus 23 March 1876
Clarifies a passage [in Coral reefs, 2d ed. (1874)], which JVC had questioned.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 23 Mar 1876 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 141–142) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10426 |
From J. V. Carus 16 April 1876
Author: | Julius Victor Carus |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 16 Apr 1876 |
Classmark: | DAR 69: A74–5 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10453 |
To J. V. Carus 24 April 1876
Answers queries concerning errata in Coral reefs.
All copies of Volcanic islands are sold. Smith, Elder & Co. want to bring out a new edition, but CD is resolved not to look at a single proof.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 24 Apr 1876 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 152–153) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10468 |
To J. V. Carus 27 September 1876
Sends first sheets of Cross and self fertilisation. The book is a very dull record of experiments, but nevertheless CD believes it is valuable for its remarkable and well-established results.
Orchids [2d ed.] will soon go to the printer.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 27 Sept 1876 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 147–148) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10619 |
To J. V. Carus [early October 1876]
Tells JVC that to the title on the first page [of Cross and self-fertilisation] is to be added "in the vegetable kingdom".
Guesses that Orchids [2d ed.] will be 20 or 30 pages longer than the old edition.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | [early Oct 1876] |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 66–67) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10627 |
To J. V. Carus 18 October [1876]
Proof sheets [of Cross and self-fertilisation] have been lost.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 18 Oct [1876] |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 68–69) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10645 |
To J. V. Carus 25 October 1876
Sends sheets [of Cross and self-fertilisation].
Heliotypes for Expression delayed because new negatives must be made.
Thanks Herr Koch [of Schweizerbart] for copies of Coral reefs and Climbing plants.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Julius Victor Carus |
Date: | 25 Oct 1876 |
Classmark: | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Slg. Darmstaedter Lc 1859: Darwin, Charles, Bl. 149) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-10654 |
letter | (168) |
Darwin, C. R. | (98) |
Carus, J. V. | (70) |
Carus, J. V. | (98) |
Darwin, C. R. | (70) |
Carus, J. V. | (168) |
Darwin, C. R. | (168) |