Alexander Nasmyth
Surgeon-dentist at Hanover Square, London. Surgeon-dentist to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; member of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, the Linnean Society of London, and the council of the Geological Society of London.
A. Desmond 1989, p. 426
Medical directory 1845–9.
Desmond, Adrian. 1989. The politics of evolution: morphology, medicine, and reform in radical London. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Medical directory: The London medical directory … every physician, surgeon, and general practitioner resident in London. London: C. Mitchell. 1845. The London and provincial medical directory. London: John Churchill. 1848–60. The London & provincial medical directory, inclusive of the medical directory for Scotland, and the medical directory for Ireland, and general medical register. London: John Churchill. 1861–9. The medical directory … including the London and provincial medical directory, the medical directory for Scotland, the medical directory for Ireland. London: J. & A. Churchill. 1870–1905.