To J. D. Hooker [24 March 1846]1
Down Bromley Kent
My dear Hooker
I had a letter yesterday from Ehrenberg, in which he expresses a strong wish for some specimens of the grasses from Ascension. (no doubt for comparison with the microscopical objects in the tuff)2 but they must be named else they will be useless to him. He says specimen an inch in length wd be sufficient, & I presume he does not want the inflorescene.— I will tell him that I ask you, & if you cannot supply him no one can.— I am going to write almost immediately to him & shall endeavour to send through the Geograph. Soc.—
Since last writing to you, I have finished Hilaire & found one of my queries about plants being higher & lower well discussed, though yet I do not feel quite satisfied.—3
I see he praises Moquin-Tandon’s work on Teratologie Vegetable.—4
Ever yours | C. Darwin
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried. 1846. Über die vulkanischen Phytolitharien der Insel Ascension. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, pp. 191-202.
Moquin-Tandon, Horace Bénédict Alfred. 1841. Eléments de tératologie végétale, ou, histoire abrégée des anomalies de l’organisation dans les végétaux. Paris: P.-J. Loss.
Vorzimmer, Peter J. 1977. The Darwin reading notebooks (1838-1860). Journal of the History of Biology 10: 107–53.
C. G. Ehrenberg wants specimen grasses from Ascension Island.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-962
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Joseph Dalton Hooker
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 114: 57
- Physical description
- ALS 3pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 962,” accessed on 19 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 3