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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Michael Foster   [before 9 May 1874]1

Dear Mr. Darwin

This is how we stand at present.2 Huxley says he wont bell the Devonshire cat3—& I can’t   I have not sent him a printed form—but shall in a few days unless I can find some one to get at him.4 I will report further in a few days

Yours very truly | M. Foster


The date is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to Michael Foster, 9 May [1874].
Foster’s letter is written on the blank page of a three-page circular appealing for funds for the zoological station at Naples. For a later, more complete, copy of the circular, see the letter from Michael Foster, 17 June [1874]. In this earlier copy, the printed list of names in the first column goes up to John Evans, and the names of and amounts subscribed by Philip Lutley Sclater and Edward Backhouse have been added in ink by Foster. In the second column, only the Royal Society of London is listed. The total amount subscribed to date by individuals, £480, has been added in ink at the foot of the first column, probably by CD.
Thomas Henry Huxley was referring to William Cavendish, seventh duke of Devonshire.
Foster had prepared a printed appeal to assist Anton Dohrn in the completion of the zoological station at Naples (see Circular to various scientific men, [7 April 1874], and letter to Michael Foster, 23 April [1874]).


Encloses a report on state of appeal for Naples Zoological Station.

Letter details

Letter no.
Michael Foster
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 164: 167
Physical description
ALS 1p, encl 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9448,” accessed on 26 September 2022,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 22
