To Michael Foster 25 April [1874]1
2. Bryanston St. Portman Sqe.
Ap. 25th
(I stay here till Tuesday night)2
Dear Dr. Foster.
The parcel of circulars has been forwarded to me from Down, & I have been racking my brains with no success, to think of anyone beyond the names which I formerly mentioned.—3 Wd. Prof Turner of Edinburgh4 know any rich Scotchman to whom to send it?—
I have seen Sir C. Lyell & he will give 25£, & Busk 10£.5 Would it be worth while to add in M.S to any circulars not sent out these sums, partly as Lyell’s & Busk’s names are good, & partly as a guide. Busk remarked that the printed list might terrify some who would & could give smaller sums.
Yours very sincerely | Ch. Darwin
ODNB: Oxford dictionary of national biography: from the earliest times to the year 2000. (Revised edition.) Edited by H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison. 60 vols. and index. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2004.
Has received circulars, and contributions from Lyell and George Busk [for Naples biological station].
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-9427
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Michael Foster
- Sent from
- London, Bryanston St, 2
- Source of text
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives (Huxley 4: 71)
- Physical description
- ALS 2pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9427,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 22