From J. H. Martin 19 January 1874
51, 53 & 55. West Port | Dundee
19 Jany 1874
Charles Darwin Esq FRS
Dear Sir
In the course of 10 days we are to have a paper read (in connection with a literary society of wh I am a member) on “Darwinism & its relation to Theological Thought”1 There will likely be a debate afterwards & to have a clear apprehension of the subject I lack some knowledge, knowledge that I cannot find in Encyclopedias nor any other source, so I have thought of applying to the fountain head— I acknowledge I might have bought your works & studied them—but my dear sir I am a young man up to the neck among business2 & therefore have not time, for what little time I have I am devoting to other studies meantime
I know that your great idea is natural selection but do you hold & teach in your works that man is evolved out of an inferior species— that one species changing into another thro endless ages at last man comes on the scene as a developement superior but produced from all that has gone before. Do you hold that in contradistinction to the narrative given in Genesis that God created man by the word of his power & that from the dust of the Earth.3
I hope you will do me the favor of replying to these queries— perhaps the natural impetuosity of youth may account to you for my boldness in thus addressing you
I have the honor | to remain | Yrs very truly | J. H Martin
I may mention that it is a reverend gentleman who is to read the paper referred to—4
Dundee directory: The Dundee directory. Dundee: Colville & Son [and others]. 1809–1912.
JHM, who has not read CD’s works, must conduct a discussion on Darwinism and theology at a local literary society. He asks CD to define briefly his position on the origin of man and on descent.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-9249
- From
- James Hales Martin
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Dundee
- Source of text
- DAR 171: 53
- Physical description
- ALS 3pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9249,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 22