To John Tyndall 18 April [1873]1
Down, | Beckenham, Kent.
April 18th
My dear Tyndall
I write a line to say that the total amounts to 1955£, Lubbock having given 200£. This will be paid in tomorrow & I will write tomorrow. Huxley does not return till Saturday or Monday night.— I tremble about his answer.—2 When I definitely hear, I will send a “private Circular” to the 18 subscribers, telling the total amount sent with no other details, & answer, either in extenso or in abstract, according to its nature. Whatever H. may think (& I quite agree with what you say in your note), it is a pleasure to think what a relief it will be to Mrs. H.3
My dear Tyndall | Ever yours most truly | Ch Darwin
Dawson, Warren R. 1946. The Huxley papers. A descriptive catalogue of the correspondence, manuscripts and miscellaneous papers of the Rt Hon. Thomas Henry Huxley, PC, DCL, FRS, preserved in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. London: Macmillan for the Imperial College of Science and Technology.
The Huxley fund amounts to £1955. CD trembles about THH’s answer.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-8867
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- John Tyndall
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 261.8: 15 (EH 88205953)
- Physical description
- ALS 2pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 8867,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 21