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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Andrew Smith   18 July 1871

34 Marine Parade Brighton

18 July 1871

My Dear Darwin.

I left London without your address therefore have had to write to Town before I could get it   I have been wishing for some time past to tell you how much I have felt obliged to you for your great kindness in sending me the letter for Mr Galton, it was quite a god send and by the aid of it I have been able to get information on some points I greatly wanted.1 He was exceedingly kind and called at the Athenæum where I first saw him and laterally at my house   He travelled in a district of South Africa which I never visited and up to the time I saw him I could not satisfy myself as to the inhabitants2   in fact, though, I am not so ignorant as I was, I am sill doubting and I fear it will be no easy matter to satisfy myself that we have come to a correct conclusion. I am trying to work up the Ethnology of South Africa and all that I fear is I shall get disheartened when I gaze on the amount of material I possess3

I think if my health will permit I ought to do it as the time is passing when when civilisation and its consequences will be taking the command of nature. I hope sincerely you are keeping well and I shall try to see you on some occasion when you are in town after my return to Brompton which I expect will be in the course of September or beginning of October

I am | My Dear Darwin | Yours very faithfully | Andrew Smith


CD’s letter to Smith has not been found. Smith had asked CD for Francis Galton’s address (see letter from Andrew Smith, 16 May 1871).
For Galton’s travels in Africa, see Galton 1853.
Smith did not publish any books after this time.


Galton, Francis. 1853. The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. London: John Murray.


Thanks CD for a letter to Galton which enabled him to get information on the inhabitants of a part of South Africa. Is trying to work up the ethnology of South Africa, but fears he will become disheartened.

Letter details

Letter no.
Andrew Smith
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 177: 186
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 7872,” accessed on 26 September 2022,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 19
