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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. D. Fox    7 June [1829]


Sunday. June 7th.

My dear Fox

You did not give me time in your last letter, in order to see about your commissions, then write to you & wait for an answer: accordingly I have been obliged to act to the best in my power, & the imperfections must be supplied next October: I booked & sent of per waggon, a portmanteau & deal box yesterday, containing I hope & trust every thing except your skins of birds & prints; Pulleine had left such imperfect directions with Aiken that we did not know yours from his: & we agreed that they had better be kept in my rooms till either Pulleine or you could see them: they are all safely packed up together with the ring Owzel: the other skins I have sent with the boxes (but one of the terns was too far gone). About the prints I thought they would go better some other time than with the boxes & tea chests.—

You will find all the Keys in the deal box, which I had well nailed up & corded: & now for money matters;1

£ s d. Clayton 2 "  7 "  82 Baker 2 "  3 Brett 10 "  6 Dos for plate "  "  16 " —————

"  5 "  17 "  6 Paid for you for skins s & &c &c "  "  15 " Debt. 2 "

£ 2 "  15

£ 5 "  17 "  6 —————

"  8 "  12 "  6

Accordingly I have paid for you altogether, 8£"12"6 & as you sent me 10£, I owe you, 1£"7"6, which I will pay you when I see you in the Summer I have got all the receipts safe in Cambridge:—

The man from whom you bought poor little Fan told me he saw the other day in Bedfordshire, in very good keep & a very great favourite under such circumstances, I thought it better to leave her where she was.—

So much for your affairs. I am afraid I have executed them imper⁠⟨⁠fect⁠⟩⁠ly but it is to the best of my power.—

And now for myself. I leave Cambridge tomorrow morning, for London—& on Tuesday I go to Shrewsbury, from thence I go into Wales with Mr. Hope to Entomologize. I will write to you again, whilst on our expedition: my success has been very splendid in the science, as you will say, when you next see my insects. I will write soon again. Yours affectionately | Chas. Darwin


The accounts are in a boxed-off section at the lower right of the sheet.
A mistake for £2 7s. 10d. (see letter to W. D. Fox, [18 May 1829]).


Has shipped a portmanteau and box of WDF’s things. Lists bills paid from funds sent.

"My success has been very splendid in the science" [entomology].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Darwin Fox
Sent from
Source of text
Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 16)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 66,” accessed on 5 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
