From Emma Darwin to Elinor Mary Bonham-Carter 23 December [1864]1
Dec. 23
My dear Elinor
Mr. Darwin desires me to say that he is very much obliged to Mr. Noel for having allowed him to see his article.2
Mr. D. is the more pleased at Cotta’s remarks as very few of the older distinguished Geologists have taken so favourable a view of his work.3 He would of course be much pleased to see it published although he does not think there is much in it absolutely new or original** He was particularly pleased to read the remarks on the Azoic formations as coming from so distinguished a Geologist as Cotta.4
Mr. Darwin cannot speak positively as to its admittance into the Nat. Hist. Review, but he feels almost sure that it will be considered by the Editors as too long and not sufficiently of the nature of a Review.5 His remarks only refer to the part respecting species.
I am dear Elinor | Yours very sincerely | E. Darwin
** I think there is in the latter part and I believe the discoveries in Hungary are new to English Geologists.6
Cotta, Carl Bernhard von. 1865. Geology and history. A popular exposition of all that is known of the earth and its inhabitants in pre-historic times. Translated by Robert R. Noel. London: Trübner & Co.
CD sends thanks to Mr Noel for allowing him to see article [sent by Alice Bonham-Carter, see 4722]. CD is pleased at Bernhard von Cotta’s remarks on species; very few of the older distinguished geologists have so favourable a view of his work. He was particularly pleased to read Cotta’s remarks on the azoic formations.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-4723
- From
- Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin
- To
- Elinor Mary Bonham-Carter/Elinor Mary Dicey
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 143: 442
- Physical description
- C 1p
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 4723,” accessed on 19 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 12