To Joseph Beete Jukes 6 December 1838
Geological Society | Somerset-House
December 6th. 1838.
—I have been directed by the Council of the Geological Society to acknowledge the receipt of your letter; and to explain to you that the Council do not consider themselves justified in recommending any one to the Government of Newfoundland, although they were glad to render their assistance in making the offer publickly known.— If you will permit me to advise you, I would recommend you as having been an undergraduate at Cambridge, to communicate with Professor Sedgwick, (now, at his Prebendal House at Norwich) as I do not doubt, his recommendation would have great weight with the legislature of Newfoundland. —I have added an extract from the letter of Governor Prescott, which contains the whole information of which the Council of the Geological Society is in possession of. —I may mention to you that you will have to explain to Professor Sedgwick, the whole circumstance, as, I believe, he was not present at the Council when the letter was read. Should you desire to forward any communication to Governor Prescott, I shall be most happy to put it in the right way, if sent directed to me as Secret, of the Society, but I beg that it may be understood that the Council cannot as a body interfere in any way, although most anxious to forward a project so desirable for Geological Science.
—I have the honour to remain | Sir | Your obedient Servant | Charles Darwin To | J. B. Jukes Esqr1
The Geological Society cannot recommend anyone to the Government of Newfoundland, but CD advises JBJ to get a recommendation from Sedgwick.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-453
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Joseph Beete Jukes
- Sent from
- Geological Society
- Source of text
- University of Oklahoma Libraries History of Science Collections
- Physical description
- 2pp LS
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 453,” accessed on 13 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 2