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Darwin Correspondence Project

From William Jenner to Emma Darwin   [17 March 1864]1

8 Harley St. W.

Thursday Eveng

Dear Madam

I am sorry not to have a better account of Mr Darwin—2 As I have a country appointment for Saturday afternoon I will if you please see Mr Darwin on Sunday—3 I propose to leave Vic: Station by the 4.10 train which is due at Bromley 4.49   If this arrangement does not suit you please to let me know—4 if I do not hear to the Contrary I shall come down by the train I have mentioned

Yours very truly | Wm. Jenner.


The date is based on a record in Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242) of a visit by Jenner on Sunday 20 March. CD’s Account book–cash account (Down House MS) records a payment of £10 10s. to Jenner on the same day. The Thursday before 20 March 1864 was 17 March.
No letter from Emma Darwin to Jenner on this subject has been found, but the Darwins themselves may not have corresponded with Jenner; in a letter to William Erasmus Darwin that was probably written in February 1864 (DAR 210.6: 115), Henrietta Emma Darwin wrote that her parents were ‘rather in a peck of troubles about which Dr. to have’, adding that James Manby Gully, who had treated CD at his hydropathic establishment in Worcestershire (see Correspondence vols. 4–7, 11), had contacted Jenner. In addition, Emma Darwin mentioned in a letter to William Erasmus Darwin, written in February 1864, that the local surgeon, Stephen Paul Engleheart, had gone to London that day to consult with Jenner on CD’s behalf; she wrote that they did not ‘expect any positive good from him’ but that it was ‘satisfactory to leave no stone unturned’ (DAR 219.1: 79).
See n. 1, above.
Jenner refers to Victoria Station in London. No message from the Darwins to Jenner regarding his travel arrangements has been found.


Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.


Proposes to examine CD at Down.

Letter details

Letter no.
William Jenner
Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin
Sent from
London, Harley St, 8
Source of text
DAR 168: 49
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 4368,” accessed on 19 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 12
