From Asa Gray1 9 December 1862
Cambridge. [Massachusetts]
Dec. 9, 1862.
⟨My de⟩ar Darwin
This is to let you know ⟨that⟩ I have put in charge ⟨of o⟩ur kind Capt. James ⟨A⟩nderson, of this weeks ⟨M⟩.M. Steamer (Africa) a small box, wrapped as a paper parcel 1 foot long. 5 [TIMES] 5 inches or so—addressed to you—which he will forward from Liverpool—as you wish—containing Mitchella (I hope both sorts) & Cypripedium acaule, spectabile, & arietinum. Pot & keep them cold till spring, & then let grow; they will surely flower.2
I hope you are all well now, and will have a merry Christmas— We do not expect that, but are hopeful. The Lord will remember us in due time, and we shall see some of the oppressed free.—
Adieu | Yours ever | A. Gray
Modern English biography: Modern English biography, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since the year 1850. By Frederick Boase. 3 vols. and supplement (3 vols.). Truro, Cornwall: the author. 1892–1921.
Has forwarded Mitchella roots and Cypripedium.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-3850
- From
- Asa Gray
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Cambridge Mass.
- Source of text
- DAR 165: 125
- Physical description
- ALS 1p damaged
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 3850,” accessed on 19 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 10