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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Charles Kingsley   30 November [1859]1

Ilkley Wells House | Otley Yorkshire

Nov. 30

Dear Sir

I thank you sincerely for allowing me to insert your admirable sentence.2 I am much gratified by your kindness.— At any future time I shall be delighted to answer any objections as far as lies in my power, or to receive any suggestions.—

I shall stay here at furthest only seven or eight days, & it is not improbable that I may be called home sooner, so that, though I should have had much pleasure in making Mr Foster’s acquaintance, it would not be at all worth his while coming here.3 Indeed during great part of day I am wandering on the hills, & trying to inhale health.—

Pray give my thanks to Mr Parker & say that I will remember his obliging offer should circumstances require me to make any remarks, which I hope may not be the case.—4

With my renewed thanks | pray believe me | Dear Sir | Yours sincerely & obliged | Charles Darwin


Dated by the relationship to the letter from Charles Kingsley, 18 November 1859.
William Edward Forster, a Quaker politician and statesman, lived in Wharfedale in Yorkshire. Kingsley had visited Forster in 1858 (Colloms 1975, p. 231).
John William Parker was the publisher and printer of Fraser’s Magazine , to which Kingsley contributed articles. He was also the publisher of Kingsley’s books.


Colloms, Brenda. 1975. Charles Kingsley: the lion of Eversley. London: Constable. New York: Barnes & Noble.


Thanks CK for allowing him to insert his "admirable sentence" [in Origin, 2d ed., p. 481].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Charles Kingsley
Sent from
Source of text
Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 2561,” accessed on 26 September 2022,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 7
