To J. D. Hooker 7 July [1854]
July 7th
My dear Hooker
I have had the House full of visitors, & when I talk I can do absolutely nothing else; & since then I have been poorly enough, otherwise I shd. have answered your letter long before this, for I enjoy extremely discussing such points, as those in your last note. But what a villain you are to heap gratuitous insults on my elastic theory; you might as well call the virtue of a lady elastic, as the virtue of a theory accomodating in its favours. Whatever you may say, I feel that my theory does give me some advantages in discussing these points:—
But to business, I keep my notes in such a way viz in bulk, that I cannot possibly lay my hand on any reference; nor as far as vegetable kingdom is concerneed do I distinctly remember having read any discussion on general highness or lowness, excepting Schleiden1 (I fancy) on Compositæ being highest. Ad. de Jussieu in Arch. du Museum Tom. 8, discusses the value of characters of degraded flowers in the Malpighiaceæ,2 but I doubt whether this at all concerns you. Mirbel3 somewhere has discussed some such question.—
Plants lie under an enormous disadvantage in respect to such discussions in not passing through larval stages.4 I do not know whether you can distinguish a plant low from non development from one low from degradation, which theoretically, at least, are very distinct. I must agree with Forbes5 that a mollusc may be higher than one articulate animal & lower than another; if one was asked which was highest as a whole the Molluscan or Articulat Kingdom, I shd. look to & compare the highest in each, & not compare their archetypes (supposing them to be known, which they are not).—6
But there are, in my opinion, more difficult cases, than any we have alluded to, viz that of Fish,—but my ideas are not clear enough & I do not suppose you wd. care to hear what I obscurely think on this subject.—7 As far as my elastic theory goes all I care about is that very ancient organisms, (when different from existing,) shd tend to resemble the larval or embryological stages of the existing.—8
I am glad to hear what you say about parallelism, I am an utter disbeliever of any parallelism more than mere accident. It is very strange, but I think Forbes is often rather fanciful; his “Polarity”9 makes me sick—it is like “magnetism” turning a table.—10
I wish you joy of your discussion & hope you well through it.— This note is even feebler than my last, for I feel deadly sick, & decidedly an animal of low development.— I hope all goes on well at Hitcham.
Adios | C. Darwin
If I can think of anyone likely to take your Illustrations11 I will send the advertisement. If you want to make up some definite number so as to go to press, I will put my name down with pleasure (& I hope & believe that you will trust me in saying so) though I shd. not in the course of nature subscribe to any Horticultural work:—act for me.—
Agassiz, Louis. 1833–43. Recherches sur les poissons fossiles. 5 vols in 2. Neuchâtel: Petitpierre.
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1854. Principles of comparative physiology. 4th edition. London: John Churchill.
Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.
Huxley, Thomas Henry. 1853. On the morphology of the cephalous Mollusca, as illustrated by the anatomy of certain Heteropoda and Pteropoda collected during the voyage of HMS ‘Rattlesnake’ in 1846–50. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 143: 29–65. Reprinted in Foster and Lankester eds. 1898–1903, 1: 152–93.
Living Cirripedia (1851): A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepadidæ; or, pedunculated cirripedes. By Charles Darwin. London: Ray Society. 1851.
Mirbel, Charles François Brisseau. 1809. Observations sur un système d’anatomie comparée des végétaux, fondé sur l’organisation de la fleur. Mémoires de la Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques de l’Institut de France 9, pt 2 (1808): 331–62.
OED: The Oxford English dictionary. Being a corrected re-issue with an introduction, supplement and bibliography of a new English dictionary. Edited by James A. H. Murray, et al. 12 vols. and supplement. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1970. A supplement to the Oxford English dictionary. 4 vols. Edited by R. W. Burchfield. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1972–86. The Oxford English dictionary. 2d edition. 20 vols. Prepared by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1989. Oxford English dictionary additional series. 3 vols. Edited by John Simpson et al. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1993–7.
Origin: On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1859.
Schleiden, Matthias Jacob. 1848. The plant; a biography. In a series of popular lectures. Translated by Arthur Henfrey. London.
CD’s view requires only that ancient organisms resemble embryological stages of existing ones. Thus "highness" in plants is difficult to evaluate because they have no larval stages. Would compare highest members of two groups, rather than archetype, to determine which group was higher. Against Forbes’s polarity and parallelism.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-1577
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Joseph Dalton Hooker
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 114: 123
- Physical description
- ALS 10pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1577,” accessed on 8 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 5