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Darwin Correspondence Project

To ?   [February 1838 – February 1841?]1

[Asks correspondent if he would prefer the President’s2 signature alone or with those of other scientific men.]


The date range is conjectured from the probability that the letter relates to CD’s role as secretary of the Geological Society of London, a post he held formally from February 1839 until February 1841, although he ceased to be active from March 1840 (see Correspondence vol. 2, letter to the President and Council of the Geological Society of London, 24 March 1840 and n. 3).
The presidents of the Geological Society of London during CD’s secretaryship were William Whewell and William Buckland.


Asks correspondent if he would prefer the President’s signature alone or with those of other scientific men.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Source of text
B. Altman (dealer) (3 October 1982)
Physical description
ALS * 1p inc

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13864,” accessed on 5 October 2024,
