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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. W. Baxter   11 March 1882

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | (Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.)

March 11th 1882

Dear Sir

Be so kind as to send me 2 Bottles of enclosed prescription, so that I may keep one up & one down stairs— —1

I want also to have 2 or 3 dozen pills of Morphia in a bottle with good stopper, (as I may never use them) in case of access of severe pain.—

Please mark Bottle, how much each pill contains & after how short. an interval I could take a second pill with safety.—2 I will then show the bottle to Dr Andrew Clark when I next see him.3 I want to have the pills ready in case of access of severe pain which I hope may never occur.


The enclosure has not been found. CD mentioned being very unwell for several days in his letter to W. D. Crick, 10 March [1882].
The signature has been excised and the words that were removed on the verso of the signature, ‘Please mark’, have been written in by an unknown hand.
Clark was CD’s physician.


Orders morphia pills in case of severe pain, which he hopes may never occur.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Walmisley Baxter
Sent from
Source of text
Bromley Historic Collections, Bromley Central Library (Baxter Collection, 1136/1)
Physical description
AL inc

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13724,” accessed on 19 September 2024,
