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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Emil Holub   28 January 1882


the 28 of January 1882

Dear Sir.

Having returned from Munnich, where I delivered a lecture before the Anthropological Society, I found myself honoured by the receipt of Your most esteemed letter!1 May I pray, to accept from me my utmost thanks for the kind and sincere wishes towards my new journey. As I intend to visit England before starting I would, if permitted, pay a visit to Down, to inquire if I cannot anything do for you during my new travel in South and Central Africa. Being requested by my german publisher, to write my book in a more “popular” style, I had to restrain with regard to scientific matters.2 But at present I am publishing together with some savants a few scientific essays. I take the liberty to send you to day the one, which I finished a few weeks ago.3 May I pray to accept it from me? May I also pray to forgive me that I have taken up so long Your most valuable time?

With this most sincere request | and the expression of my utmost esteem | I remain | Your obedient servant | Emil Holub Esq

To Charles Darwin Esq | Down. | Beckenham Kent.

P.S. I have sent the book by to days mail


Holub had sent CD a copy of the second English edition of Seven years in South Africa (Holub 1881b). The German edition was published by Alfred Hölder (Holub 1881c).
Holub sent Beiträge zur Ornithologie Südafrikas (Contributions to the ornithology of South Africa; Holub and Pelzeln 1882).


Holub, Emil. 1881b. Seven years in South Africa: travels, researches, and hunting adventures, between the diamond-fields and the Zambesi (1872–79). Translated by Ellen E. Frewer. 2d edition. 2 vols. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington.

Holub, Emil. 1881c. Sieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika: Erlebnisse, Forschungen und Jagden auf meinen Reisen von den Diamantenfeldern zum Zambesi (1872–1879). Vienna: Alfred Hölder.

Holub, Emil, and Pelzeln, August von. 1882. Beiträge zur Ornithologie Südafrikas. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der von Dr. Holub auf seinen südafrikanischen Reisen gesammelten und im Pavillon des Amateurs zu Wien ausgestellten Arten. Vienna: Alfred Hölder.


Requests visit to Down before he goes on expedition to South and Central Africa.

Letter details

Letter no.
Emil Holub
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 166: 261
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13649,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
