From G. H. Darwin [22 January 1882]1
Trin. Coll.
Sunday night
My dear Father,
I have done nothing about the books from Queen Ann St. as I can’t get Clark & Liveing to settle where these are to go to.2 I daresay they will do so sometime & then the residue can be sold for what they will fetch.
I am beginning to see the end of my work & have only 4 or 5 lbs weight left. I have had 40 lbs of M.S. altogether,—a greater weight than any “additional exr.” ever had before. Glaisher, like the good fellow that he is, has relieved of nearly the whole of one paper, otherwise I shd. have been in despair & I am leaving him as custodian of my interests in the matter of the Prof.ship but I think it probable that nothing may happen.3
I have just heard this morning that another paper of mine (read last June) is ordered to be printed in the Phil. Trans. Stokes wants to know if I can correct their proofs in Jamaica—& I suppose I can if I have the M.S. by me.4 My proofs always come at wrong times— one set I corrected in Paris—another on Dartmoor & Plymouth. It is rather difficult in case one shd. want to refer to a book.
Frank Balfour has been at Capri nursing a man sick of typhoid & nothing has been heard of him for some time.5 Foster is not at all easy about him— he shd. be in Sicily but no answers come to letters addressed there. Miss Balfour wrote to me to inquire & I cd. only answer what I heard from Foster. I suggested her telegraphing to Gerald who is I believe at Florence6 I think it is more probable that he has been delayed & not got to Messina rather than anything wrong.
I shall go to London on Friday morning & in all probability come to Down on Sat. if I can get my business done—then Sthton7 on Wedn. & sail Thursday noon—if my cold will let me.
Mary’s enthusiasm for the baby is quite comic, but Ida will have told you.8
Yours affectionately | G H Darwin
Darwin, George Howard. 1881b. On the stresses caused in the interior of the earth by the weight of continents and mountains. [Read 16 June 1881.] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 173 (1882): 187–230.
Foster, Michael and Sedgwick, Adam, eds. 1885. The works of Francis Maitland Balfour. 4 vols. London: Macmillan and co.
Writes of his work and a paper accepted for publication in the Philosophical Transactions [? "Stresses caused in the interior of the earth", Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 173 (1883): 187–230].
Gives news of friends.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-13636
- From
- George Howard Darwin
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Trinity College, Cambridge
- Source of text
- DAR 210.2: 102
- Physical description
- ALS 3pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13636,” accessed on 26 September 2022,