From Francis Darwin to Raphael Meldola 12 January 1882
12.i | 82
Dear Sir
My father is very glad to lend you Weismann, and hopes that you will keep it as long as it is of any use to you1
Yours faithfully | Francis Darwin
Meldola had requested a copy of August Weismann’s paper on daphnids (Weismann 1878; see letter from Raphael Meldola, 11 January 1882 and n. 1).
Weismann, August. 1878. Ueber die Schmuckfarben der Daphnoiden. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 30 (Supp.): 123–65.
CD happy to lend Weismann’s pamphlet to RM.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-13611
- From
- Francis Darwin
- To
- Raphael Meldola
- Sent from
- unstated
- Source of text
- Oxford University Museum of Natural History (Hope Entomological Collections 1350: Hope/Westwood Archive, Darwin folder)
- Physical description
- ALS 1p
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13611,” accessed on 26 September 2022,