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Darwin Correspondence Project

From T. G. Bonney to W. E. Darwin   [before 2 February 1882]1

British Association for the Advancement of Science, | 22, Albemarle Street, | London, W.


To turn to quite another matter   May I ask you a question which I hope you will not think impertinent— An American publication called “Science” states that your Father on being shown by a certain Dr Hahn a series of microscopic slides of what the latter believes to be organic structures in meteorites &c (they are nothing of the kind only mineral simulations, not unfamiliar to microscopic petrologists,) exclaimed “Almighty God what a wonderful discovery   Wonderful” After a pause of silent reflection he added “Now reaches life down”—2 I don’t believe the story—but should like to be able to apply to it in print the epithet “apocryphal” in a review of a kindred subject which I am writing.3 Do you think I may do so?

T G Bonney

CD annotations

1.5 microscopic] underl pencil
1.5 microscopic … Wonderful” 1.6] scored pencil


The date and recipient are established by the relationship between this letter and the letter from W. E. Darwin, 2 February [1882].
Otto Hahn. The account, ‘Mr. Darwin on Dr. Hahn’s discovery of fossil organisms in meteorites’, was published in Science, 27 August 1881, p. 410: ‘No sooner had Mr. Darwin peered through the microscope ... when he started up from his seat and exclaimed: “Almighty God! what a wonderful discovery! Wonderful! ... Now reaches life down!’’’ See letter from T. G. Bonney, 5 February 1882 and n. 2.
A refutation of Hahn’s story appeared in the March 1882 issue of Philosophical Magazine (5th ser. 13: 218 n.) in an unsigned review of An old chapter of the geological record with a new interpretation (King and Rowney 1881). It quoted the article in Science and concluded: ‘A story so circumstantial one would think must needs be true; but we have the best authority for characterizing it as simply fabulous.’


King, William and Rowney, Thomas Henry. 1881. An old chapter of the geological record with a new interpretation, or, rock-metamorphism (especially the methylosed kind) and its resultant imitations of organisms. With an introduction giving an annotated history of the controversy on the so-called ‘Eozoon Canadense,’ and an appendix. London: John Van Voorst.


Wishes to know veracity of a report of CD’s reactions on seeing certain slides of supposedly organic material from meteorites.

Letter details

Letter no.
Thomas George Bonney
William Erasmus Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 160: 247
Physical description
ALS 2pp inc

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13591,” accessed on 11 October 2024,
