From G. H. Darwin 17 November 1881
Trin. Coll | Camb.
Nov. 17. 81
Dear Father
I have read enclosed agreement. Will you sign it without witness, & send it to Messrs. Paterson & Bloxam1
25 Lincolns Inn Field.
I shall go to London tomorrow or Sunday morng. & start to Glasgow on Sunday night.
I hear that Challis is on the point of death—& may have died last night for all I know.2 I suppose a month from now will see me Professor or not. I wish it had’nt happened now that I have got so much on my shoulders. I think I have a good chance. The electors are
Profrs. Adams
Thompson Trin
Masters Ferrers Caius
Swainson Chr.
V. C. Porter Pet.3
Cayley sails for America on 21st. dec., & I hope election may take place before then, as I am fairly sure of him. I may perhaps have to come back suddenly from Glasgow but I think not, as after sending out a notice of Candidature I shall have really have nothing to do & indeed the Prof. is hardly likely to be declared vacant within a week from now.
The amateur theatricals have been going on this last week. They played the School for Scandal & the Lady Teazle was a piece of the very best acting I ever saw;4 everyone is quite astounded at a man acting a woman so well & he has the extra advantage of being a great beauty & not a more masculine voice than one sometimes hears in a woman.
I shall not have to lecture (if I get it) until May or even next Oct.—& I shall prefer the latter as I shall want a great deal of preparation.
Your affec. son | G H Darwin
Sends an agreement for his signature and forwarding to Patterson & Bloxham.
Hears that James Challis [Plumian Professor of Astronomy, Cambridge] is on the point of death. Believes he has a good chance to succeed him; sends a list of the electors.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-13488
- From
- George Howard Darwin
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Trinity College, Cambridge
- Source of text
- DAR 210.2: 98
- Physical description
- ALS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13488,” accessed on 26 September 2022,