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Darwin Correspondence Project

To the Darwin children   10 January 1880

Excess of my income to be distributed & ordered on Jan 12th to be paid into each account.1 N.B I invested £800 early in year otherwise the distribution wd have been larger.


William 360 ) 600 to Williams

Bessy 240 ) Bank

George 360

Frank 360

Leonard 360

Horace 360

Henrietta 240.2




Each child must put initial to show he has seen it.

C. Darwin

Everybody has seen this. | C.D

Jan 10th. 1880.—

To William

Do not be in such a hurry in investing Bessy’s money, both she & her mother have been howling all summer as if I had starved her death. The only way to feel rich is to have a good balance in the Bank.

C. D


CD had informed his children of his plan to distribute the surplus income from his investments in 1879; each daughter was to receive two-thirds of the amount allotted to each son (see Correspondence vol. 27, letter to the Darwin children, 21 February 1879).
William Erasmus Darwin, Elizabeth Darwin, George Howard Darwin, Francis Darwin, Leonard Darwin, Horace Darwin, and Henrietta Emma Litchfield. ‘600 to Williams Bank’: this included the sum allotted to Bessy, which William was to deposit or invest. William was a partner in the Southampton and Hampshire Bank.


Circular letter regarding the distribution of CD’s excess income, with a note addressed to W. E. Darwin concerning his handling of Elizabeth Darwin’s share.

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12414,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
