From B. J. Sulivan 13 October 1879
Oct 13/79
My dear Darwin
I find after all that Mr Bridges reserved J. Button’s grandson for Beagles, by getting the lady who had taken on herself to provide for him to take another orphan and though he did not write to me about it he has sent them the list of orphans for publication; & forgetting that I told him the boy should have FitzRoys name added, and be called “James FitzRoy Button” he has put my name instead of FitzRoys—and called him “James Button Sulivan”—1 This I will have altered, as Mrs FitzRoy likes the name I proposed & so we all did— She and her daughters wish to give 3£ a year towards the 10£ required; I am going to give 2£, & I will ask you again to give the 1£ you intended when it was first mentioned.2 I have no doubt. Hamond Mellesh Usborne & Stokes will do the same. Johnson is so ill, & his memory was so weak the last time I saw him, that I will not say anything to him about it.3
I hope you are all well. My wife & I spent July & August at different places in Devon & Cornwall. Our daughters are still absent. We are pretty well—but I cannot get my legs strong again to walk as I used until last Summer. but I can manage three or four miles if I do not mind a little pain.4
My wife joins me in kind regards to Mrs. Darwin and yourself and all your circle | Believe me | very sincerely | your’s | B J Sulivan
I dont think I ever sent you a young Falkland Island Tree (Veronica). I sent Hooker one some time since.5 I could send you a nice little plant if you care for it. they require a rather warm border for a severe winter.
Wright, C. H. 1911. Flora of the Falkland Islands. [Read 19 January 1911.] Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany) 39 (1909–11): 313–39.
The "Beagles" are, after all, to provide for Jemmy Button’s grandson [see 11501].
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-12255
- From
- Bartholomew James Sulivan
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Bournemouth
- Source of text
- DAR 177: 310
- Physical description
- ALS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12255,” accessed on 19 September 2024,