From Francis Galton 9 June 1879
Mem: about Dr. Erasmus Darwin’s bequests
When Dr. Eras: Darwin died, he appears to have left no money to Dr. Robert Darwin who was the sole surviving issue of his first marriage with Miss Howard, but to have bequeathed the whole to the issue of his second marriage, with Mrs. Poole, by whom he left six children all under age, and to two illegitimate daughters Mrs. H. & Miss P.—1 This seemed unfair, and to have created some soreness on the part of Dr. Robert D.— What may be pleaded in extenuation is this.
Dr. Robert D. wd. have the whole of the fortune that was settled on his mother at her marriage who it is believed was wealthy
He had marrried early in life (æt 24 about) a lady of considerable fortune for those days, viz it is said £ 30.000.2 On the other hand, Dr. Erasmus Darwin left comparatively very little money & a very large young family. He was able only to leave £3000 for certain, to each of his six children by his second marriage, plus a share in what he then thought a hopeless debt to him, by a Mrs. Archdale3 (? who was she); which however was ultimately paid and yielded £3000 more to each. His widow, formerly Mrs. Poole, had of her own a jointure for her life only, of £800 a year,— together with a house, for a time, and it is supposed that Dr. E. Darwin was enabled to save what he did by living chiefly on this jointure, so that the money bequeathed to the second family may fairly be considered as capitalised from the jointure of their mother, & therefore justly their own.
If it cd. be shewn that Dr. Robert D’s fortune through his mother was not less than £3000 there would appear to remain no fair cause of complaint so far as the bequests are concerned.
As regards the giving no money to him Dr. R. D when he first settled at Shrewsbury;—that is another matter about which I can learn nothing new4
F. Galton
June 9/79.
Mrs. Eras: Darwin (neé Collier) had a jointure fm. Coll. Pole of £800 a year I think it was— Also Radbourne House, till her Son, Sacheverell Pole came of age.
She had 3. Children—Sacheverell—Elizth. who married Coll. Bramley & Millicent—who married the Revd John Gisborne—5
Dr. E Darwin lived at Radbourne after his marriage to Mrs. Pole Edwd. was born there—& Violetta. He then found Radbourne too far off fr. his medical practice—that he went to live at Derby, & Radbourne was let—till Mr. Pole was of age—6
Mrs. Erasmus Darwin having £800-a year, besides the rent of Radbourne House—whilst her son Mr. Pole was under age—£800-a year, (then going much further in those days,) would be able to pay all Household Expences—& the Dr. could save all his earnings for the 21. years of married life—It would amount to £16,800—besides the Radbourne Let
Dr. Eras: Darwin has to educate & place out at Ashbourne, Mrs. Hadley & Mary Parker—& probably pay a sum to their Mother, Mrs. Day—7
Dr. E Darwin lent several thousands, or I think there was an Insurance on Mrs. Archdall’s life—but it was feared, he would never get the money—but if ever paid—that money was left in his will to Mrs. Eras. Darwin, (his 2nd. Wife) & her Children—& it was repd. after Mrs. Archdall’s death.
5th. When Dr. E Darwin died—he left by his second marriage 6. Children Edwd. was nearly of age—Sach.l Francis abt. 15—John much younger Violetta 19. Emma 17. Harriet—abt. 12.
Each of these children, on attaining the age of 21. was to have £3,000— All the three Son’s education was sadly neglected— They were sent to cheap Schools in Derby—& their Father never attended to their education—so they were hardly fitted for any Profession—
If the Archdall money was ever pd. Mrs. Darwin was to have it, & the second family at Mrs. Darwin’s death—& so they did receive fr. 5 to £6,000—each fm. first to last—
Had Mrs. Erass. Darwin died soon after her Husband—the Pole Jointure wd. have ceased at once—& the second family have the interest of £3,000 each, to educate & maintain themselves—unless Mrs. Archdall’s money cd. be paid which was very uncertain—
Old Mr. Darwin of Elston—left his Property—some to his Heir William Darwin—& some to the issue of his (Mr. Darwin’s) youngest Brother Dr. Eras. Darwin—8
Did Issue mean, Dr. Eras Darwin’s children—or children & grandchildren— This much excited Emma Darwin—as Dr. Robet. had 6. children—& Violetta Galton also 6— So there was an amicable lawsuit—as 12. extra claimants must much lessen the sum received—The Chancellor decided against the grandchildren9
Mrs. Darwin had only 2 children living at her death Violetta & Francis-Sacheverell
CD annotations
Erasmus Darwin. By Ernst Krause. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas, with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1879.
King-Hele, Desmond. 1999. Erasmus Darwin. A life of unequalled achievement. London: Giles de la Mare Publishers.
Memorandum about Dr Erasmus Darwin’s bequests.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-12097F
- From
- Francis Galton
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Source of text
- DAR 210.14: 30
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12097F,” accessed on 26 September 2022,