To Francis Galton 22 March 1879
Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.
Mar 22./79
My dear Galton,
Dr Krause has published in Germany a little life of Dr Eras Darwin, chiefly in relation to his scientific views; & to do our grandfather’s honour, my brother Eras & myself intend to have it published in English.1 I intend to write a short preface to it, chiefly for the sake of contradicting the chief of Miss Seward’s calumnies; & this I can do from having a letter from your aunts written at the time, & from my father’s correspondence with Miss Seward. But I further intend to add a few facts & add a few remarks about our grandfather.2 Can you aid me with any information or documents?
I have one nice & curious letter to Miss Howard which I will publish.3 Also many letters to Josiah Wedgwood and to the famous Reimarus, but I doubt whether any of these will be worth publishing.4 Do you know whether there are any letters in the possession of any members of the family which might be worth publishing; & would you take the trouble to assist me by getting the loan or copies of them?
Several years ago I read the memoirs of your aunt Mrs Schimmel-Penninck and as far as I can remember many of the stories about Dr Darwin seemed very improbable.5 Did you ever hear your mother speak of this book, and can you authorise me to contradict any which are injurious to his good name. I am sure you will forgive me for troubling you on this head as we have a common interest in our grandfather’s fame.
Yours very sincerely | Charles Darwin
Erasmus Darwin. By Ernst Krause. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas, with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1879.
Hankin, Christiana C. ed. 1858. Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck. 2 vols. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts.
King-Hele, Desmond. 1999. Erasmus Darwin. A life of unequalled achievement. London: Giles de la Mare Publishers.
Krause, Ernst. 1879a. Erasmus Darwin, der Großvater und Vorkämpfer Charles Darwin’s: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Descendenz-Theorie. Kosmos 4 (1878–9): 397–424.
Seward, Anna. 1804. Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin. London: J. Johnson.
Describes plans to publish English edition of Krause’s work on Erasmus Darwin.
Will correct Anna Seward’s calumnies [in Memoirs of the life of Dr Darwin (1804)].
Asks about family letters.
Doubts some stories about Erasmus Darwin [in Christiana C. Hankin, ed., Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck (1858)].
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-11947
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Francis Galton
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- UCL Library Services, Special Collections (GALTON/1/1/9/5/7/25)
- Physical description
- LS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11947,” accessed on 20 September 2024,