To the Darwin children 21 February 1879
Feb 21 1879
Mr Norman a year or two ago told me that he divided the overplus of his income annually amongst his children.1 As you are all very sensible & steady, this seems to your mother and me a good plan, & will we hope be pleasant to you. I find by taking an average for the last ten years, that £2728 has been invested annually; but this was before I gave up your Aunt Catherine’s trust.2 The amount in the future will be about £2000; but this depends largely upon how well my railway shares may pay.3 Moreover I shd think it right, since Mr Rich’s bequest, to give rather more in aid of science.4 It is also very difficult to prevent our expenses increasing. Again, if any very good shares were allotted to me, I shd accept them & pay the calls. This year there will be less than usual to be divided, as I have already invested about £800 & shall have to pay some calls.5
After deliberation I have resolved to allot of the overplus of our income to each daughter two thirds of what will be allotted to each son.6 I have just found out that Mr Norman makes the same proportional division. Therefore supposing that next year £1900 has to be divided, £300 wd be paid to each son & £200 to each daughter. At present I think each annual division shall be made early in Feb. after our Christmas bills have been paid.
Finally let me strongly advise you not to consider the whole of my overplus as income; for expenses always increase as life advances. Remember that though the same sum as before will be divided amongst you at our joint deaths; yet that your incomes will not be proportionately increased. I hope that you will keep this in your minds.
Secondly, let me advise you strongly to invest in safe securities paying low interest. By this plan my father died a rich man. I have lost only one investment of £500, & this was chiefly due to my believing that it would pay grandly—7
Consequently my fortune has gone on steadily increasing, whilst that of several of your relations has decreased, as they chose to take securities paying high interest. Trust to common sense & not to professional advisers.
Here ends my sermon—
Charles Darwin
To William
Please forward this soon to G. & F.8
“G. H. Darwin Esq
Villa Beau Séjour
Colonne Voirol
Circular about the distribution of the overplus of his income and advice on investment.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-11896
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Elizabeth (Bessy, Lizzy) Darwin; Francis Darwin; George Howard Darwin; Horace Darwin; Leonard Darwin; William Erasmus Darwin; Henrietta Emma Darwin/Henrietta Emma Litchfield
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 210.6: 153
- Physical description
- LS(A) 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11896,” accessed on 26 September 2022,