To W. E. Darwin 12 December [1878]1
Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.
Dec. 12th.
My dear William
I have a curious bit of news to tell you.— A few days ago a Mr Anthony Rich of Heene, Worthing, wrote to me that he with his sister were the last of his Family, & that he had always thought under such circumstances “those shd be remembered, whose abilities &c &c had been devoted &c &c for the benefit of mankind”; with more to the same effect & to my great honour.— Therefore he had bequeathed to me nearly all his property after his & his sister’s death.2 I heard from him again today with particulars. The property is not of a very inviting kind, viz a share of Houses in Cornhill, which brings in annually rather above 1,100£.—3 This will increase each of my sons share at our deaths by nearly 200£ per annum, for I shall of course likewise increase by (I think 3000£) the share to the daughters. This bequest, as you may believe, has astonished & pleased me greatly; though in a money sense it will make no difference whatever to me or your mother. Mr Rich is 74 years old & his sister a year younger.— I never before heard of a bequest to a man for what he has been able to do in Science
my dear old William | Your affectionate Father | Ch. Darwin
My best love to Sara4
P.S. I have had a copy of Mr Rich’s letter made which is gone to Erasmus & George,5 but shall be sent you.—
Writes of Anthony Rich’s bequest.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-11786
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- William Erasmus Darwin
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 210.6: 151
- Physical description
- ALS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11786,” accessed on 11 October 2024,