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Darwin Correspondence Project

To E. H. Sieveking   11 December 1877

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.

Dec 11. 1877

Dear Sir,

I thank you sincerely for very obliging letter.1 It would interest me much to see the six letters of my grandfather published but his name & that of Reimarus are so little known that I doubt whether the editor of any journal would think the letters worth printing. If they are brought to England I should much like to see them.2

I remain dear Sir | Yours faithfully & obliged | Charles Darwin


The letter has not been found.
Erasmus Darwin and Johann Albert Heinrich Reimarus met as students in Edinburgh in 1754. Copies of the six letters from Darwin to Reimarus are in DAR 227.1: 12–13. A note on the verso of one of the letters reads: ‘Letters from Eras Darwin | to Reimarus | from Mr Sieveking who lent originals’. For more on their friendship, see King-Hele 1999, pp. 17–20. Sieveking’s great-uncle, Georg Heinrich Sieveking, was married to Johanna Margaretha, the daughter of Reimarus.


King-Hele, Desmond. 1999. Erasmus Darwin. A life of unequalled achievement. London: Giles de la Mare Publishers.


Would like the letters from grandfather [Erasmus Darwin] to J. A. H. Reimarus to be published.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Edward Henry Sieveking
Sent from
Source of text
American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.528)
Physical description
LS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11275,” accessed on 12 September 2024,
