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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Sara Sedgwick   [30 September 1877]1

23 Elgin Crescent,


My dear Mr. Darwin,

I greatly needed the assurance contained in your most kind and precious letter; and if it is difficult for me to understand how I can have won your regard I will at least accept all you say with the utmost gratitude2 You will forgive me I know if I cannot now speak of all that has happened except to tell you that I am happy and that my trust and confidence in your son could not be greater than it is—

I have been brought up in all American ideas and ways, and I have sad fears sometimes that they may prove a trial to him— I shall learn in time, however, to adapt myself to new habits, and I am so sure of his goodness that my hopes far outstretch my fears— I am determined not to feel that this is a strange land, or that I am quite separated from my own most peaceful home. The happiness that I have had will still live with me, and will even serve to make me contented at Southampton—3 May I always deserve the great generosity you have shown me.

Ever yours affectionately | Sara Sedgwick.


The date is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to Sara Sedgwick, 29 September [1877]. In 1877, 30 September was a Sunday.
In his letter to Sedgwick of 29 September [1877], CD had expressed his pleasure at her engagement to his son William Erasmus Darwin.
See letter to Sara Sedgwick, 29 September [1877]; William Darwin was anxious that Sedgwick would find life with him in Southampton too dull.


Thanks CD for his kind letter on her engagement to his son William.

Letter details

Letter no.
Sara Sedgwick/Sara Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Elgin Crescent, 23
Source of text
DAR 210.5: 20
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11159,” accessed on 10 September 2024,
