From F. M. Balfour [14 December 1876]1
Savile Club, | 15, Savile Row. W.
My dear Mr. Darwin—
I have seen Foster today & he approves of the names I have suggested—mentioning however Allman as another Biologist you might apply to2
The only Biologists on the Council of the R. Society are Flower Duncan & Foster.3
I leave this evening for Dover & meet Foster on the steamer tomorrow. Foster is going to occupy the Cambridge table at the Naples Zoological Station.4
I hope you will receive my letter from Cambridge & papers quite safely—5 I had not time to get them properly done up this morning before I started.
Yours ever | very sincerely | F. M. Balfour
Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.
Heuss, Theodor. 1991. Anton Dohrn: a life for science. Translated from the German by Liselotte Dieckmann. Berlin and New York: Springer Verlag.
Michael Foster approves of names FMB suggested CD apply to [in proposing FMB to the Royal Society] and adds George Allman, Foster, W. H. Flower, and P. M. Duncan, the only biologists on the Council.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-10713
- From
- Francis Maitland Balfour
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Savile Club
- Source of text
- DAR 160: 24
- Physical description
- ALS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10713,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24