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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Francis Darwin   [31 August 1875 or later]1

[Bassett, Southampton.]

My dear F.

I send by this post Proofs of Var under D.—2 Please look to my old instructions. I have glanced only at the added passages & made few hasty corrections.— Keep carefully all old Proofs & M.S.— When returned to Printers mark “Press” unless it is necessary to consult me.— When in doubt about altered passages it will aid you to see what I have said in the first Edition.—

I see already that the whole will absolutely require close looking to.— Take great care in making your corrections clear— if there are many you must have revise.—

The sheets which I have looked over are marked “Frank”

I have put some corrections only in pencil for your consideration & I wish I had done all in pencil.— I am sorry to think what hard work it will be for you, but it will ease me immensely

C. Darwin


The date is established by the reference to Variation 2d ed. (see n. 2, below), and by the relationship between this letter and the letter from Francis Darwin, [1 September 1875 or later].
CD had sent the manuscript alterations for the first volume of Variation 2d ed. to the printers William Clowes & Sons earlier in August (letter from R. F. Cooke, 12 August 1875, and letter to R. F. Cooke, 29 August [1875]). The first set of proof-sheets was sent to CD on 25 August and the second on 1 September. The proof-sheets are now in DAR 213.11.


Variation 2d ed.: The variation of animals and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2d edition. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1875.


Sends proofs of Variation [2d ed.] for FD to look over.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Francis Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 271.3: 13
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10178,” accessed on 26 September 2022,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 23
